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Bupa Digital Membership Card

Bupa spends over one million on the production and postage of plastic membership cards. However, based on customer's feedback they prefer not to carry any plastic cards.

By having a digital card on the myBupa app, Bupa members won't need to bring their physical card with them anymore and will be able to make on-the-spot claims at Extras service providers that have a HICAPS machine.

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What I have worked on


Digital Card Research

We kicked off the digital card experience project by sending surveys to Bupa customers to get their initial response on the concept of digital membership card and their expectation of using it to claim at Extras service providers.

Design Workshop

I help facilitated design workshop with the development team to inform the design of the overall customer journey from how customers get the card onto their app, to how they open the card to claim at Extras service providers.


Digital Membership Card User Flow

Based on the high-level understanding of how the overall digital claiming experience, I help designed the high-fidelity user flows to help inform prototype build for customer research and stakeholder engagements.

Digital Membership Card Release to Market

Based on insights gathered from customer research activities, technical considerations, and stakeholder buy-in, I help refined the end-to-end customer experience and provided the design specification and quality assurance to the development team.

The digital card experience has been successfully released to market to Android and IOS phones throughout Australia.

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