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PlayHQ Community Sport Experience

PlayHQ is an all-in-one digital platform that helps grassroots sport associations and clubs to organise and manage their competitions and programs activities.


I help craft digital experiences which enables sport administrators to organise and manage their games and participants in a competition season. 

Major sports


Participant Profile

Empowers players and participants with full access to fixtures, ladders and competition info.

Competition Management

Create competitions, grades and tournaments of any size and sporting level.

Live Scoring

Real-time lineup management, player verification, scoring and stats.

Design Process

Discovery handover

At the beginning of a project, a discovery handover session was organised with the leadership team to provide the product team with business challenges that needed to be solve. In this session, we gather high-level requirements, and capture any insights available.

Whiteboarding session

After the discovery handover, we got together as a product team to compare notes, and setup a session to brainstorm and start exploring solutions to solve the problem.


Design Playback

Once we have agreed on an approach, we organise a playback session with the leadership team to get their buy-in on the proposed solution and gather their feedback.

Design Reviews Cycle

In this design review cycle, I design lo-fi wireframes to quickly iterate on the solution with the product and development team.

Assemble UI components

During the review cycle, I started assembling the experience by reusing UI components that's available in the design system, and highlight the interaction details to convey different scenarios,

Claim Profiles - 1.png
Claim Profiles - 3.png
Claim Profiles - 2.png
Claim Profiles - 4.png

User research

We also ensure that we took the time to do user research to reduce the risk of building based on our own assumptions. By utilising Maze, we capture any user insights, and use it to inform the design approach.

User Moderation Guide

Sample user test using Maze


High-Fidelity UI Build

Once all the insights are synthesised, I refined the experience. and packaged the UI components ready for development. From this point, user stories will be written for development to start.

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